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Using a program besides Blender to edit meshes


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Okay, so this may be a very simplistic question...but here goes. I have always used Metasequoia to do mesh editing with for other games and I am very well versed in using it and all of it's function, I have never used Blender before today and find it much more difficult to use and confusing than Meta. I was able to easily use NifScope to convert the nif file to an obj file so I could open it with Meta and it imported fine.


My question would be does anyone know if I lost critical file data or anything by converting the file to an .obj file to open in Meta, or any other reason why this might not work? I don't want to finish building this armor and then realize that I screwed up by converting it to an obj file to edit.


Thanks for any input.



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sure you lost the weighting if it is a skinned mesh but you do have still the uv mapping ready and stored in the file informations, also you lost the smooth level wich can be easily re enabled in blender (i don't know how to do it in metasequoia because i never used it) and also the scale of the model is changed....

the obj conversion is a pretty heavy file modification but again is the best way to import eport things from a program to another especially if both or one of the programs does not support the nif import eport plugin....

i hope i answered as much as possible, if you need anything more specific i'll be glad to answer...

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I'm trying to make an armor mod, and I'm not sure how weighting works with that. I'm used to modding objects for the TRLE so this is quite the change. ;) If I was to design the armor in Meta and then import it back into Blender would I be able to reapply the smooth level?


The scale is the one thing that I am most concerned about. I imported it at a 1:1 value but I'm not sure if that is simply a value relative to meta and isn't necessarily similar to the scaling method of Blender...but perhaps I could also rescale it if I opened the finished object in Blender?


Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me!

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