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is it worth learning at this point


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Just started wanting to learn to mod skyrim but i fear tht by the time i got a very firm grasp of it, skyrim and the community of skyrim will b dead. After all skyrim is already years old. Its not a good thought that i could spend months of learning and creating nd the work be absolutly pointless


Thanks for reading



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It depends why you are learning. Plenty of people are using mods, depending of what kind of mods you want to do, learning what you need can be done really quick. If you are modding mainly for yourself, then it doesn't matter, even if you are modding for other people, people will keep using mods for a few years. Hell I still play morrowind and oblivion and those games are 8 years+.

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Well more skyrim DLC is on the way an another elder scrolls game won't come out for a good while. I'm sure they are working very hard on a revamped Fallout game.

So... that new fallout game might use the papyrus script engine. In which case, you should probably start learning the basics regardless. The skills generally carry over.

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Tht has cirtainly put my mind somewat at ease. I am doing it for my own gameplay but probably wouldnt do it if i couldnt help and please other people. Im a 3d cgi artist myself so would do mods in wich this would apply (Custom Models is my main aim).


Thanks for the replys



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well models could always be adapted to the game if I'm not mistaken, so they could be reusable right? You just need different exports or style or whatever. (not my field of expertise)

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I still play Morrowind...I wouldn't worry about any of the Elder Scrolls games ever dying, they have a very strong community backing them. :)


I also am trying to get into mesh editing and modeling. It's complicated, but I'm hoping once I get the hang of it I'll be able to turn out some sweet armor/clothing mods. It really helps having so many forums and tutorials that explain the process in detail.

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It doesn't take months to learn, if the time investment is what you're concerned with. It took me a couple days to get the basics of the CK, and pump out my first couple mods. Of course, if you want to master the CK, scripting, re-texturing, and creating meshes to make more complex mods, then, sure, it might take a while. But, I always subscribe to the logic that simple things can go a long way. In fact, I've produced a handful of mods, but my simplest will probably always be the best (for that one, I literally edited 6 values in the CK).

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Thanks everyone for your comments. I shal start my learning when i finish work


I also am trying to get into mesh editing and modeling.


Baby steps m8 tht is one of the biggest things to keep in mind. Also dont expect to b good at it in a short time. I bin learning blender for about 5 years and have only been doing decent stuff for about 2 and still gota long way to go befor i can call myself fantastic at it. Be patient, be experimental, take your time and dont resist to ask questions on the forums. I can say that the comunity of blender taught me more than the tutorials, tht not saying dont use tuts tho lol there essential in your learning

Edited by tudders3022
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