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Help with boss..


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I am confused..


I used this and I run and everything is fine it says, but when I try to open up SKSE in the Manager for Skyrim, It crashes.


Can some1 explain this to me plz?


My first time modding.. Is there a mod that is not functioning right?

Edited by MagicalHob0
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Do you have the correct version of SKSE for the version of Skyrim you're running? Are all of your mods up to date and intended for the version of Skyrim you're running?


It could be a mod conflict, although BOSS does a very good job of either eliminating mod conflicts or at least pointing them out. If SKSE is up to date and your mods are all the correct version I'd recommend disabling all your mods and then re-enabling them one at a time to find out which one is the problem.

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