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new vegas bounties 1 issue...and 2


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ive been trying to get through nvb 1 but at a certain point my save file gets corrupted. using casm save manager as well


in a nutshell ive killed chuck brodie - the ex ranger/ deserter /target and from that point on my save is fried.


at one point i thought my save was getting destroyed when i accepted the next bounty, but through some in depth testing, it happens a bit before that.


from what ive found my save is getting corrupted when i accept the reward for brodies finger - whats happening is that i accepted that reward and i knew the save would get corrupted when i accepted the next target, so i exited the game after the chuck brodie stage and backed up the save, then when i start the game back up, i try to save, and bang the save is corrupted. THIS HAPPENS 100% of the time. i will never finish this quest, and the author is no longer suppoting the mod.


i have multiple back ups, and i now know the issue has something to do with the brodie stage of the quest.


any idea how to fix this?


i had a thought, to just go in the geck and delete the brodie quest from nvb I as well as the quest before and after, but i dont know if that would make things worse.


i wanted to use the console commands to skip that portion of the quest but i dont think that will help, since it seems to be the quest itself thats screwing my save, not preforming a particular action. its getting to be BS, and there are a few times when i was going through nvb 2 that the quest ruined my save. someguy's mods look good on paper but they dont work for beans for me.....



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