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3ds Max and Nifskope new meshes texture problem


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Here is a problem. Let's take a simple .nif file like slgcwinwal01.nif from vanilla Skyrim Meshes - solitude - interiors. It contains wall with windows, wall has NiTriShape with NiTriShapeData. I want to expand this wall (and other elements, let's think i want to make this whole mesh square), so i take NiTriShapeData and click Export to .obj. In 3d MAX i take my wall mesh, click clone, place a copy with original. Then i click attach and save it like new a mesh. Back into Nifskope i select NiTriShapeData delete it and import my new mesh. I set number of BV number smthIdon'tremeber to 4097, click Mesh - Face normals.


And now there's a problem - my new mesh doesn't want to use textures. Original BSLightningShaderProperty contains BSShaderTextureSet with original mesh textures I tried to make a new one, but my new wall don't want to use it (it just changing color of mesh, but don't use a textures). I tried to delete the whole BSLightningShaderProperty and make a new one, but when I create BSShaderTextureSet and set a path to textures it again just chage it's color but don't using a texture.


Sorry, if my question sounds like WTFDOYOUWANT?? i will come home from work and post a screenshot of every step, but maybe someone has some ideas from what i've just asked.


Thank U.

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