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Do I really need this requirement?


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I only want to use Drengin's Blue palace terrace and Legacy of Dragon Born


So I look for patch https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37276


and the requirement say


"Enhance Solitude docks"

"Enhance Solitude"

"Places and Castle Enhanced."

"Solitude Skyway"


Do I really need four of them?


or they are just recommended which just in the requirement?


of course I read description with translate (and writing this post dictionary and translate)


but I still don't get it.



and I sorry if I write wrong grammar or informal words

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If you check the files tab of the mod, you see that there is a patch for each possible combination of the various mods that get patched together with this mod. This means, that the list of requirements is just a summary of all possibilities. If you only have LoTD you would choose the BluePalaceTerrace-LegacyOfTheDragonborn-Patch file and not worry about the other requirements.

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If you check the files tab of the mod, you see that there is a patch for each possible combination of the various mods that get patched together with this mod. This means, that the list of requirements is just a summary of all possibilities. If you only have LoTD you would choose the BluePalaceTerrace-LegacyOfTheDragonborn-Patch file and not worry about the other requirements.

Thank you for the answer!!!! have good day! now I'm going for that mod!!!!

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