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Scripting help


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I am looking to create a script I can attach to hearts in the game so each time the player eats a heart first the script checks to see if the player is mycustomrace and if true then each time the player eats a heart he gains 1 stamina point. So far this has me baffled, can anyone help?

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Since the heart would presumably be in the player's inventory when the eating happens and objects in inventory don't run scripts afaik (because it's inside a container - you), you are probably better off creating a quest with a script tied to the playerref alias and then running the script from there.

Edited by acidzebra
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Ok thanks i will give that a try do u now what the script command is to increase stamina by 1 point by any chance?


This is what i got and I am getting the error humheart not a known type:



Scriptname Devourheart extends Quest
Alias Property PlayerRef Auto
Alias Property HumHeart Auto
Alias Property DaHeart Auto
Alias Property Bheart Auto
Event OnActivate(HumHeart akPlayerRef)
Debug.Trace("Activated by " + akPlayerRef)
Edited by morrowind1979
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