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Creation Kit Question


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So the other day I was modding a house and I wound up deleting Sbannerlarge01 and for some reason I clicked ok and saved. Total goof moment I know but I was distracted by other things and just goofed.


Anyways I read somewhere that this can easily be fixed by taking these steps:


1. Select your mod
2. Click the Details button
3. Find the object you accidentily deleted in the list.
4. Delete it in this list which will mark it as 'ignored' when your mod is loaded.
5. After loading your mod with the records you want removed 'ignored', save your mod and the deletes are gone.



So I loaded up the CK, selected my mod, clicked the details button, and..... I could not find the Sbannerlarge01...


So I then just loaded up normally like always to see if maybe it corrected itself and it had not. The banner still had the D next to it. So I clicked data, and clicked my mod and then when I hit details the banner showed up on the list, so I hit the delete key and it prompted me if I wanted to ignore it and I clicked yes and loaded the mod.


After loading the mod I noticed that the flag was still deleted. I couldnt place it in my mod. So I saved my game and reloaded the CK only to find out The flag is STILL deleted. What am I doing wrong. After several hours of tweaking arround with things I now have an object window that says


Sbannerlarge01 21* D


So I assume that there are now 21 deletes or something like that? It started at 9 then went to 17 then to 21 I dont know what I am doing and I dont know how to fix. Can anyone help me? Please?

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