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Console/quest command or CK script for a spouse shop?


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As above as headline, I am asking if there exists such a sort of command.


I somehow bugged the script/quest for this. Lydia is my spouse and usually does not have a general merchant script. You will that only get if you marry her. The dialog for the shop is still there and I can access her shop, problem is the shop remains empty (I am able to sell items to her for 0 gold, who won't appear in her shop, it will still remain empty) , won't reset (even after 31 days of waiting) and Lydia won't give me the dialog option for the daily 100g transfer anymore.


I thought, that there is maybe some sort of script or quest, which somebody is able to access and reset/restart by console command. If not maybe somebody knows how the script/quest is named in the CK and I am able to solve the issue by adding it in an .esp file again and "inject" it into my save game.

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Ok, meanwhile I found at least a partial solution for this.


I realized that the reason for all that spouse dialog issues are the fact that my spouse got killed once and I resurrected her by console. Meanwhile I found out that not only the spouse merchant script/quest is borked, the whole marriage stuff (move to new house option, homecooked meal option, lover's comfort buff) was gone and that there was not a single sentence anymore where my spouse calls me "love" or "beloved". The whole marriage thing will break when she died once, resurrect won't help. The only dialog option that remains is the "how are the kids" option, seems that this dialog option has to do with adoption and is not directly tied to the marriage script/quest


For luck there are meanwhile some solutions for remarriage on UESPWiki:


Steps to re-marry using console commands:

  • Select spouse.
  • Enter the following console commands:
    • removefac 51596
    • player.removefac C6472
    • resetquest 74793
    • resetquest 21382
    • setstage 74793 10
  • Wait for 24 hours.
  • Then proceed to marry as normal.

I did this and it worked well. I have my lover's comfort back, the additonal dialog options (move house, homecooked meal), BUT now the whole merchant dialog option is gone. Usually a spouse, even if not being a merchant before, will set up a general store if married, so did my Lydia too the first time, but now she didin't.


I suspect, that this has something to do with the Hearthfire Addon and if you have already adopted children and a Hearthfire house. After the wedding the spouse will directly point to such a Hearthfire House and will you only give this movement option...and maybe you need the "original" house (Whiterun in the case for Lydia) to start the merchant script/quest.

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