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Essential Immersion Mods [REQ]


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Hey everyone-


I have some ideas for mods that I know would be great for immersion.


1) Finding people; on NPCs that you know, add a dialogue option to the effect of "Have you seen..." and that would lead to a list of names of NPCs that reside in the general area, and then you could find out roughly where they are. I had this idea when I was trying to find Tolfdir in the College. With this mod, I could, for example, walk up to Feralda and ask "Have you seen..." "Tolfdir." And she could reply "Yes, he was in the Hall of Attainment last I saw." Another example, ask Jarl Balgruuf "Have you seen..." "Farengar." And he'd say, "Yes, he's in his study" (or so "No, I haven't seen him).


2) Journal; I'd like to see a quest journal that's actually a journal. I don't like UI's period, so I try not to interact with the journal or use quest markers (I do use Even Better Quest Descriptions). It would be great to have a physical journal in your inventory; it just seems more realistic. This is a good transition into my nect idea:


3) Books; In vanilla Skyrim, time pauses when you read a book (or access your inventory in general). This is a good mechanic and it makes sense. However, with Scenic Carriages or something similar, you'd like to be able to do something while you sit, and reading books is great. So the idea is that in certain scenarios, reading books does not pause time. These scenarios would ideally be: while sitting, while in a carriage, and maybe some other ones too.


4) Transition to new cell; I know a large part of this is my low end system, but the wait time when going between cells really breaks immersion. I know about Open Cities and the like, but my system just can't handle that. Is there, or could someone make a mod, that helps reduce the loading time for new cells?



I hope some of these mods already exist, and if they don't, then I hope you developers out there looking for a project would be willing to take these on!


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