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Very basic help request: placing mesh/textures (need to fix two small spots/holes in my modded game).


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Again, this should be pretty simple, I would think. Basically, I'm running 3 mods that modify the strip (New Vegas Strip Overhaul, The Strip Open, and Lightweight Strip Overhaul, if you were curious) and they all interact with each other perfectly except for two spots on the road where the mesh/texture for said road is missing; I opened the console and the textures for the road (surrounding it anyway) are "WastelandRoadStraightLongStrip" and I say "mesh" because the npcs take a step down and then a step up when passing over it (as the base ground level running underneath everything is still there).


So all I need to know is how to go in and place the mesh/texture to fill in these two spots. That's all. If it's something that I can simply modify and save or create a plug-in for, etc, I'm not sure. I don't have experience with Geck but, again, I only need to do this one thing.


All help is appreciated, cheers.

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