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Collapse/Exand for Hidden Comments and others


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EDIT: Title should be Collapse/Expand for Hidden Comments and Others


Currently, the report feature works just fine for harmful comments left on a mod's comment thread. The admin team is usually quick about following through with requests. No complaints whatsoever.


But I've been thinking about a way to improve this feature, for both parties (the reporter and the reported).


Perhaps instead of the reported comment becoming immediately overwritten with the 'currently hidden' (forgot the sentence, sorry) message, instead the post would collapse. It would stay collapsed until the admin team made the decision to agree with the reporter's request. But before the admin team made their decision, any other user (including the mod author) could 'expand/show' the comment to see just what the reported post was all about. Furthermore, if the admin team does indeed agree upon the reporter's request, the post could be removed entirely (rather than updating with the 'team has agreed' message).


I suppose, obviously, some sort of expand/collapse or show/hide button would be necessary :smile:


To further make use of such a button, even if a comment isn't harmful - but utterly useless or irrelevant (I believe there are more of these types than the harmful ones) - the mod author could still decide to hide/collapse the comment without actually reporting it. This would be useful for mod authors who'd like to de-clutter their mod's comment thread from all the irrelevant posts. I think most of us know what types of irrelevant posts get made, so there really isn't a need for examples. This show/hide feature would also cut down on scrolling a bit, too, for both author and user.


What do you think about this ?

Edited by brokefoot
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