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How do I start? Voice acting files for Skyrim


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Let me tell you what is involved in implementing voices into the game so you have an understanding of the requirements I am about to give you. Skyrim's in-game characters lips move when they talk (shocking I know). Mod authors who include voices in their mod can create .lip files to do this, but in order to do so you need to record/export your audio in a certain way.

You can record your voice into the software of your choosing. But what a mod author would want is a


Weird requirements, but it must be this way for the .lip file generation. c:

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  • 2 years later...

Voice actor willing to spend free time voicing some mods.------


Reasoning: I play newvegas mods, and will be looking forward to fallout4 mods. I do NOT enjoy mods where I have to read what people say like I am deaf. I am willing to help out as much as I can mod makers who need a voice actor. Rather hear something then nothing. With fallout 4 coming out, seems like a good idea to help.


I am pretty good at shaping my voice to what role is needed, expressing emotions needed and best of all I dedicate my time free of charge. This might change due to availability.


Just inbox me your teamspeak ventrilo mumble or whatever so we can talk more about what needs to be done.

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