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My little project (Castle Blackthrone


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Hey all


I have been working on a player owned castle for over a month now and I did enough progress on it that I am ready to present it and ask for opinions about a few things.


The castle is located all the way up north on the top of a mountain in the middle of the sea, the castle is rather small compare to most of the castle mods on the nexus.

Instead of focusing on make it huge, I decided to focus on giving the player a real feeling of ownership by allowing you to hire npcs for it and add events for it.


What I have done so far:


-30+ guards that patrol your castle night and day ( half of them patrol at day and the other half a night) -You can also use 7 of those guards as followers.

-added a cook that offer you different meals almost every day (they are also different depending if you ask for a meal in the morning or later in the day.

-Cleaning ladies that will clean the 2 first floors for you and the third floor if you summon them to your chambers.

-2 bards who will sing and take requests (one inside and one outside).

-A blacksmith that sells you equipments.

-A stable boy who will sells you horses and dogs.

-Librarian who sells you books and spell tomes

-Teleports from and to the 5 mains cities of Skyrim.

-Ability to summon some of your servants to your bedchambers.

-Expert Trainers for 1handed,2handed and archery.

-Ability to place a shrine of your choice in the chapel.

-Bathing,Holy water and Clean hands buffs.

-Squire who can be your follower.

-3 merchants who sells their wares outside.

-Npcs awareness of you being their lord/lady (they will be custom voiced with dialog that will show you that they know who you are.


What I have left to do:


-Make the npcs hirable for a fee and the ability to rehire a new one if they die ( guards).

-Make you have to pay to unlock certains rooms.

-Quest and dungeons leading to the castle.


Events such as:bandit attacks,parties to have with your skyrim friends, taking prisoners(with trials), visitor at the court.


***The events will probably be done as an update, feel free to share ideas of other events if this mod interest you.


Small video:




Some screenshots:





Throne Room
Guest living room
Guest bedroom
Personnal Living room
personnal bedroom







Well that's it for now, let me know what you think!

Edited by littleork
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