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Looking for adventure


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I've often wanted to try my hand at roleplaying but never actually done anything up until this moment. In truth i am familiar with Roleplaying on computers and on paper, mostly from Dnd experience and TES but never over the internet.

In anycase i thought a new stroyline with the intention of reaching out to newbs would be best.

Don't worry after the story has finished you won't be newbs... (try to think positive, all this coming from a newbish guy)


Anyway i've come up with a story that is set in a "typical fantasy world", sort of a mix of TES, Dnd and well any other place that has Elves, faires and gnomes.

If your interested or if you feel it nessceary to comment, question or complain feel free to discuss your wishes, wants, and wisdom below.

If your certain you'd like to play send me a messge, and i'll start as soon as i have 4 or more people to play.


Campaign will be called "The Bard's tale"

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Ok well i'm going to just get the party started,

This adventure is called,


The Bards Tale: The Mcgruffin Tome.

Check for it in the wilderness,

Once everyone has intruduced themselves i'll start the adventure.


Also if your lucky and quick then you can join last minute.


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