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Gain WILL per mission, or monthly, etc


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Units can gain a lot of will per promotion, but get your low-will colonel wounded and you better dismiss him before he start shotting his squadmates in a panic attack... hence my question, among all the game's functions, have someone found some spare bytes to make soldiers slowly recover their will? Per mission played would be great, but a point per month or a point whenever successfully engaging an enemy, whatever mean available to make them recover their will would be ok. I guess that adding a cap at 80 or so may exceed any space available, but if possible it'd be a perfect addition
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There's a MOD around here somewhere that will allow you to change the amount of WILL a soldier loses when critically wounded and revived; you could remove the mechanic altogether, I suppose.


I'm curious if anyone knows how to make this change manually - what file and hex would I need to edit?

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Isn't it an ini setting or a SW option? I actually don't dislike the panic mechanic, I take care not to expose wounded soldiers too much, but I'dlike it if they could overcome it eventually. But for a starting I'll take a look and try to lower the will hit.
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Not that I know of; I'd love to know where to change it at, but I think it's part of the UPK files.


I personally just think 15 points is too high; I don't even see the point of having revive at that point, as a single 'death' and you might as well just dismiss the soldier at that point unless he had unusually high will to begin with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's actually even worse then that. In the code that checks to see if your unit is critically wounded instead of straight out dying, it checks "numTimeCriticallyWounded", and if that number > 0 then that soldier dies, with no chance for critical wounding. No "nine lives" for soldiers...


Here is the full set of rules:


1 ) If the unit is already critically wounded, death

2 ) If the attacker is a Chryssalid, death

3 ) If character type is not soldier, death

4 ) If damage >= 1000, death

5 ) If soldier is the volunteer, death

6 ) If character has previously been critically wounded, death

7 ) Critical wound chance = 15 + Current will - ROOKIE_STARTING_WILL; (40 by default)

8 ) If OTS upgrade eOTS_HP_II, bonus of soldier rank * 5 is added

9 ) Critical wound chance is then clamped between 0 and MAX_CRIT_WOUND ( = 90 by default)

Edited by Amineri
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