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REQ: Different Models for Outfit COnditions


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Just wondering if it's possible to assign different models/textures to certain ranges of an outfit/armor/weapon's condition. For example:


0-25% - armor is barely there, hanging in broken pieces

25-50% - armor is missing sections, has evidence of damage

50-75% - armor is mostly intact, looks patched-up

75-100% - armor is intact, though dirty


I realize that the base code might not allow this - just wondering if anyone has explored the possibility.


EDIT: One thing that got me thinking about this was seeing the "Tasteless Female Armors" mods over in the adult section. I'm all for realism - if you're going to have boobs hanging out of something that's supposed to protect you, might as well be for a reason. Some of the default raider armors (Painspike) look like an incomplete outfit to begin with, like it was the start of something with more coverage.


It would also be cool to have NPC's give generic reactions to the condition of your outfit/armor, i.e. "Breezy enough for ya?"

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