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Seeking someone who can do custom FO3/NV animations


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As the topic says, I'm looking for someone knowledgable in Fallout 3/NV animations. I'm helping a close friend with a mod that she has worked on for, on and off, a year or so - and we are in need of several custom animations for a unique kind of one-handed weapon. If it helps, I'm willing to pay for someone for their work.


Now, with that said, we're in need of these animations:


  • An idle stance for when the weapon is equipped/held in hand
  • Firing the weapon
  • Firing the weapon when zoomed in (i.e holding down the right mouse button)


While there are possibly other animations that need to be taken into account, these are the ones we are worried about for now. If interested or capable (ideally both, haha!) please reply here or send me a PM. Once again, I'm willing to pay someone to do these for us. Thanks for reading!



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beanspan & OpenSaucer - Hello!


"The problem is that Fallout has a hardcoded amount of weapon animation slots, so you can't just add more animations, you would have to replace the ones that already exist, and that makes vanilla weapons look weird."


That is very true, however there is another possibility.


By using scripting you can intercept the default animations call & use a new custom animation. That saves having to replace any of the vanilla files.


There's a very good tutorial of how to do this for reload & jam animations here:




With some tweaking it could be used to replace other animations.


That clever scripting can be seen in use here in this mod:




I know that an adaptation of that script was used for bullpup reloads too.


The tricky part will be getting someone that can make animations, that's a less common skill requiring Blender & Nifskope knowledge.


Some guides on that process can be found here:






Hope this helps!



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