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Once a day script help


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I need to make this script so that each time you press one of the buttons you cant use it again until the next day:



scn GSChemistrySetScript2
short Button
begin OnActivate
if IsActionRef player
ShowMessage GSChemistrySetMsg
BEGIN MenuMode 1001
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if ( Button == 1 )
player.AddItem Stimpak 5
elseif ( Button == 2 )
player.AddItem Psycho 1
player.AddItem Buffout 1
player.AddItem Mentats 1
player.AddItem NVSteadyChem 1
player.AddItem NVReboundChem 1
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I could only find two time functions, GetCurrentTime (current time in 24 hour format) and GetDayOfWeek (returns 0-6). Unfortunately, there's no date function, so there's no way to tell if a full week has passed without a constant script call.


Here's the solution without a GameMode block:


short time_initialized
float last_use_time
short last_use_day
float current_time

begin MenuMode 1001
  if time_initialized != 1
    set last_use_day to -1
    set last_use_time to -24
    set time_initialized to 1
  set current_time to GetCurrentTime
  if last_use_day != GetDayOfWeek
    set current_time to current_time + 24
  if current_time - last_use_time < 24
    ; display your failure message
    ; do your action
    set last_use_time to GetCurrentTime
    set last_use_day to GetDayOfWeek



Variables are in an undefined state before they're initialized, and all comparisons fail. So you don't want to check "tme_initialized == 0", for example.


Unfortunately, the above code will fail if the menu is called precisely 1 week after it was last called, since DayOfWeek will be the same. The only solution I can think of is slightly ugly:



begin GameMode
    if last_use_day != GetDayOfWeek
      set last_use_day to -1



The idea there is the script is constantly checking if the day has changed, and if it has, it records that. Seems overkill to be doing that every frame, but I can't think of another reliable answer.

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Use the GameDaysPassed global. When used, set a persistent variable (Quest, usually) to GameDaysPassed. Check the current GameDaysPassed against your set variable +1. I.E. 'If (GameDaysPassed >= (fUsedLast + 1))'
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Chem set script:

scn GSChemistrySetScript2

short Button

begin OnActivate

if IsActionRef player
ShowMessage GSChemistrySetMsg


BEGIN MenuMode 1001

set Button to GetButtonPressed

if MyQuest.WaitaDay == 0

if ( Button == 1 )

player.AddItem Stimpak 5

set MyQuest.CDay to GameDaysPassed + 1

set MyQuest.WaitaDay to 1

elseif ( Button == 2 )
player.AddItem Psycho 1
player.AddItem Buffout 1
player.AddItem Mentats 1
player.AddItem NVSteadyChem 1
player.AddItem NVReboundChem 1

set MyQuest.CDay to GameDaysPassed + 1

set MyQuest.WaitaDay to 1




Seperate quest script (Start Game Enabled has to be checked):

scn MyQuestSCRIPT

short WaitaDay
float CDay

Begin GameMode

if WaitaDay == 1 && GameDaysPassed >= CDay

set WaitaDay to 0


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@nonplusultra - that will work, but there's no need to add the overhead of a gameMode quest script. Simply have two different messages, and use a questVar to store GameDaysPassed at the last time the 'generate loot' buttons were pressed. Then do a check against the current value of GameDaysPassed during the onActivate block. If more than 24 hours have passed, show the 'gimme loot' message. If fewer have passed, show the 'needs more time' message.


You'd also need to set a menu flag for handling different message forms and buttons, but that's no biggie.

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Oh true, I've worked too many with quests the last time, sry.


You should create a new global to save the current value of gamedayspassed, so we can skip the quest script completely.



P.S.: @ xaranth; do you have an idea about my issue? url: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/928384-setpos-and-mesh-collisions/

Edited by nonplusultra
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