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Checkpoints - Help


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Hey, I've been working on a Checkpoint mod for Skyrim for the past week, slowly but surely making sure each checkpoint has nothing wrong with its construction. I felt that Skyrim lacked the many checkpoints a war-torn region would have. So far, with the progress I can make, I've completed Whiterun hold's handful of checkpoints (balancing between too few and too many). I would like to know if anyone would love to help by perhaps creating checkpoints in any of the other holds (or, by improving upon what I create by adding NPCs with quest objectives). My goal is to release the finished mod as not so much a mod but as an "update."

As with every update, I've been careful with labeling cell and reference I.D.s so that it'll be easy for future modders to improve.


If anyone is interested, please let me know. Also, once mod is finished, I'll be more than happy to see people using it as a base; who knows, maybe this mod will eventually include features that to me, are beyond what I can think of right now.


Places completed so far -

Southern Riverwood Checkpoint - xxmodcheckpointwhiterunexterior03

Northern Riverwood Checkpoint - xxmodcheckpointwhiterunexterior02

Battle-Born Checkpoint - xxmodcheckpointwhiterunexterior01

Eastern Whiterun Checkpoint - xxmodcheckpointwhiterunexterior04

Western Whiterun Checkpoint - xxmodcheckpointwhiterunexterior05


-I improved the tower right outside Whiterun to include ruins of a checkpoint (be nice if someone can edit it so that whoever is in charge can reclaim it as a checkpoint with tents that appear)



I'm trying to keep the checkpoints lore-friendly by building them with that specific hold archi-texture.... pun intended.

ie. Whiterun checkpoints have the whiterun walls on the outside and built with imperial fortification on the inside (seeing how Whiterun walls are technically in ruins)

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  • 4 months later...

have checkpoints would be awesome in skyrim. the current problem i have with skyrim is the save system. I want a game like dark souls when it is more about lost progress other then lost time. I don't want to remind my self to save when i see a dragon, that's a poor game design for me. because of the problem with the game i have made my own game rules. I have set it on only save on rest without any quick save cheating, I can only save when i see a bed.


another thing i would like a restrict potion usage, having 100 potions in my inventory does just not challenge me enough. or have a real time menu system would solve the problem too.

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