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Fallout mod process: Dayz stlye gaming!


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Hello. My name is jterminatorx. I love modding. Never did it before . Watching tutorials is helpful. OK. If you ever played dayz, then you must understand zombie apocalyspe. But it now in fallout 3. Here what you (depends if possible) would see in this project (project Z):


1. Drivable cars, tanks, and helicopters, with a large variant. Meaning each type of vehicle is differ in health, passenger carry, and weapons.

2. More drugs and medicine. From Morphine to... my favorite, calayst, which (spolier alert) gives more faster movement.

3.More foods that not irradiated. But some have to cook on fire or grill.

4. Three new worries: Hunger, Thirst, and infection levels. When reach 100 :(

5. Large map. Possibly 13x bigger than entire wasteland.Cities as big as D.C

6.Practial two sides: survialist, which can some as followers (karma: nuetral) and bandits, which attacks everyone.

7.12 different types of zombies, some are different in each city.

8. 3 new radio stations: Kiser Brodcast, Ray-network, and Las Venturas station. Some of the songs: What a wonderful world (louis armstong), and Lullaby for a dead man (elena siegman).

9. customizable wepons (like the wmk) but allows camos (inspired by cod) on wepons. Camos buyable. Think this would not be a good possiblity because it is not easy!

10. Able to build shack and to build robots.


This is project Z. Right now I do not expect a team. But maybe. May release a trailer revealing release date. And also plan to work in a story in the old north state. (easter egg) :) Enjoy the flavor! Ps. they paln to be working tv, and chimatic beginnig. Good with other mods as: wmk, fellout, and maybe enclave commander. DLC are in planned to keep you guessing, more than likely expanding the land or weapons to eventually the zombies and quest.



there a cure....

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry to break it to you, but all this is not going to happen. You have to think that a full team of professional level designers spent at least half of the development time to create the wasteland we already have.

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