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First person camera bug


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Recently, my vampire lord started having a weird camera problem in 1st person. When she looks forward all is well, but if I turn her head, her weapons don't track with her head. If I press W, she'll walk ahead with her head at an angle, which is an awkward way to play. Other characters seem fine with the same set of mods loaded. It started with her feeding on an NPC, then the camera would only work up and down and no movement was possible. The console command 'tc' restored mouse control, but there was this weird first person bug. Another symptom is that when she's hit with a Fus Ro Dah, she'll go flying, but I never get control of her back. The camera stays perepetually in "death cam" mode even though hit points are above zero, and this time 'tc' won't get control back. Anyone ever heard of anything like this?


I suspect this mod...




...but I'm not really sure. Anyone know how I can begin to troubleshoot this weirdness?

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  • 4 months later...

Hmmm well I am having something similare happening... have not found any answers yet.
Started a fresh game and the bug still persists so. Yeah that is fun >_<

Also, does your chamera do weird things when you sit in a chair when you go back from third person to fist, get left over arms and that kinda thing?


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