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(request) pirate/crescent isle like player home?


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ok so i was playing skies of arcadia for like....the millionth time and i was just thinking....why can't someone create a player home similar to crescent isle from skies of arcadia? it's a small island floating in the sky (in this case it doesn't have to be it can just be an island in the middle of a lake to make it more believable) but really all it is is a player base you set up a small shop inside of it get materials to build up your base put in a dock, basically this player base would be similar to Build your own home mod but it'll be more of a buildable village like real time settler but instead of it being real time settler where you pick out models and stuff you do it like you do in buildable home where you get specific materials for specific pieces of specific types of buildings and they are placed in specific spots for that mod and you can deactivate them if you wish or not but basically this is what i want!


location is KEY so i figured it could be placed in the middle of Lake Klinalth? is it big enough to fit a small village of 3-4 small homes on an island and a mine?


Buildable HOMES not one but multiple one home per 2-3 followers.


this mod of course should be compatible with "my home is your home"


the player base will have its own small mine (built into the ground of the island itself instead of a cave like entrance it could be a starewell down into the mine) with respawnable ore (takes 4 days to respawn so its not too over powered sort of speak) this mine will be where you get your ore required for the player base obviously but it also is a place for your villagers to gather materials via scripted commands. so like you walk up to one of your followers and tell them something like "we need iron ore go mine some for me please" and that specific NPC/follower will remain in the mines for a set number of hours/days of your choice gathering ore of a specific type also your choice with a chance of getting OTHER types of ore on the side. the mine should be upgradable and to get into the mine itself there should be a small quest to "dig" the beginning part of the mine and every time you perform certain tasks and obtain certain items over a certain ammount of time maybe the mine can be expanded upon AND EVERY UPGRADE WILL ALLOW MORE NPC'S TO USE THE MINE! YES i want a limit to how many npc's can actually enter and mine for you thus making it more balanced!


a buildable Dock for a ship used to travel to certain cities like solitude's dock and dawnstar and so on. and much like other mods with a ship like this the ship will move to that location HOWEVER if its not too big of a thing i'd like the ship to physically move like the dragons do so you can watch your ship travel from dock to dock giving you more immersion into the game.


the player can also set up a shop with in the village that does trade with other cities so the goods you find in the shop will be different and cycle through numerous items from all over the world (if possible incorporate the lootification mod so itll also bring in items randomly from installed mods in your game though the chances of THAT will be far less than vanilla items)

90% chance of vanilla items

75% chance to find a rare/enchanted item

65% chance to find mod related items

though these numbers can be tweeked and balanced by the mod creator


this player base will also have a chance of being attacked by dragons and other monsters/swarms and so on as it should be put into the worldspace of skyrim itself just the homes will have their own cells and the mine and stuff like that.


i'm not quite sure what else to put in here for ideas but if anyone feels they are interested in taking on this kind of mod let me know and ill give you as much support as i can though i'm not good at modding myself i fail at it honestly....kinda ironic because i'm getting ready to go away to school for game design huh!? lmao



OH and if anyone willing to take on this mod doesn't actually know about skies of arcadia or crescent isle itself heres a wiki page related to it!




though like i said i dont paticularly want it floating in the sky because even in skyrims world that seems a bit unrealistic for my taste!


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