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Mod Help: Item names


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Good day. Just looking for which XML, and where, the games stores the ITEMS in game.



Stone Axe\shovel

Moldy Bread




etc etc


You would think, they would be somewhere, the ITEMS XML, but, I am not very good at locating them and cannot seem to find the line that actually describes what the item is callled.


To use a simple example:


<item name="meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe">


If I want to change the NAME of the item <Stone Axe> in this instance,, iow, modify what it is called in game, is this the line that does this? Or is there some other place that this is stored?


Alternately, are there any current Item editors 19.2+, with a UI, where modders can readily modify existing vanilla game items?




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