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Looking for textures and their location


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If I understand what you need correctly, you want the textures for the vanilla, in-game, loose gems, not to be confused with the gems that are part of rings and necklaces?


If this is the case, they are kind of weirdly distributed. I pulled the mesh for a diamond, ( meshes > clutter > gemstones > diamond ) and these are the textures I'm seeing for it.


Diffuse: textures\GreyNoise.dds

Normal: textures\DefaultWithSpec_n.dds


Cubemap: textures\cubemaps\ShinyGlass_e.dds

Environment mask ?? *I forget what maps these are* : textures\White_em.dds


Looking at the Sapphire, I see the same series of textures, but the mesh itself is sapphire blue.


My best recommendation to you would be to pull the meshes first, for whichever gems you're looking at, and doublecheck the textures they call for, so you know you've to the right ones for what you need.

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