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INeed-Food Water and Sleep, "problema"


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Óla essa é minha primeira postagem, espero que me ajudem com um problema que estou com esse mod - INeed-Food Water and Slee - no começo ele funcionava muito bem, depois de 2 semanas não posso mais usa-lo o skyrim sse fecha sempre que eu abro o iventario ou quando tento abrir um corpo no chão para saquear, as vezes reinstalo ele varias vezes e ele volta a funcionar por alguns minutos mais logo o mesmo problema aparece não sei mais oque fazer eu adoro esse mod alguem pode me ajudar a solucionar esse problema? obrigado.

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Do you mean it literally closes, or does it take a very long time to open the inventory, and you give up waiting and forcibly terminate the program?


I ask because I, like some others (maybe more than just some, idk) use various cheats to extend our carry weight limit (mine is a bit over 20K max, and can end up with absurdly large inventories. The raw number of items in one's inventory can result in a delay while skyrim's database engine parses all the entries.


For instance, right now, my female character is carrying around 12K (game weight units) of stuff. That corresponds to idk, perhaps 500 or 600 or so uniquely named items.


When I loot a corpse, or when I open my own inventory, or when I open any chest or urn is around 30 seconds or so. If I dump all my loot into some player home chest, the delay goes away.


I've had as much as a bit over a 1 minute delay.


SO .... IFF this is your situation, I'd recommend selling off a bunch of stuff to vendors and depositing whatever else you want to hold but don't need to carry into player home receptacles of whichever type you can find in your player home (s)

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