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Dragonborn - Is it worth buying?


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I haven't encountered any bugs not directly attributable to specific mods, which I was able to identify. I do use unofficial patches, so it's possible they fix some bugs you found. I really don't think the DLC's are buggy at all. They seem to be buggy when you use mods though.

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Went and picked it up console side when the PSN was doing that half off first week sale. No issue as of yet. But I'm definetly not into it's meat and bones yet either. But its aesthetically pleasing at least. More characters, more areas to explore, goblin dudes....seem like pluses in my book.

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For me the Dragonborn DLC is totally worth the money. (but then, I had the cash to spare :happy: )

Havent had any bugs and my game runs smooth as a babys bottom. (I run approx 20 mods)

I think the main quest in db was a bit short and fairly easy, but I love Solstheim.

And the fact that quest from skyrim like thiefs guild (get the golden necklace from this or that person and so on)and such transfers over to solstheim.

Edited by mirja
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I have been enjoying Dragonborn on the PC. I also enjoy Dawnguard. I use the unoffical patch for Dragonborn that is available on the Nexus site and I have not had any problems or game breaking bugs.

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It is good DLC, the new island is pretty cool. I would say better than Dawnguard in terms of actual playability, because unlike Dawnguard it adds in a completly new area with seperate quests and NPC. Sadly I found the main questline fairly short, much, much shorter than Dawnguard's, however the rest of island makes up for it.

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If its anything like Dawnguard it will be worth it but little extra wont hurt also you can get it pretty cheap from Greenmangaming.




and here is a 20% discount for it GMG20-NT7TS-SY2RT and it expires today =3

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Man your priority is your fridge to fill in, not some DLC to purchase...Don't get me wrong. Dawnguard was not so bad, I personally enjoyed the story line, the Danwguard Fortress and the Crowssbows. Dragonborn is nice, only for the sheer joy of returning to Soltheim Island and then there is the strory line that isn't bad at all...Short yes but not bad at all...


My advise go for it on sale, shouldn't be long...not because the DLC is a bad one, it's actually good but because...this shouldn't be your priority in this time of hardship...


Sorry for the lecture...

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Mostly the value of DLC depends on if you're using PC or console, as with PC you can use mods that totally turn your experience, cancel out the bugs, etc. Turning a DLC that wasn't right almost perfect. Because, considering content alone, most DLC are worth the money. It's the annoyances that come with the DLC that mainly makes them bad.


For example with Dragonborn you can ride dragons, but to enjoy it and enable it fully, you need a mod called Command Dragon. Then you can fly freely over Skyrim (If you have a fast PC you can raise the dragon speed making it more fun). I for myself bought Dragonborn from the begin, knowing mods would soon come out. I've never regret my decision.


The new content alone is far better than Dawnguard, as you get Telvanni, Redoran and Solstheim artwork and atmosphere. You get a big isle named Solstheim. A lot of dragon power extensions. And the realm of Apocrypha, where Hermaeus Mora lives.


If you can't use mods your biggest annoyance will be an easy to defeat end enemy and a crippled dragon riding.

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