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Witch king of angmar - helmet and armour


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I am already aware of this excellent mod for the witch king helmet: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24124. The release of the dragonborn DLC and rewatching the LOTR movies has rekindled my passion for the witch king and I was hoping for some help from this excellent modding community.


I was wondering if someone would be interested in making a witch king armor set and making some small changes to the helmet so that it looks more like these pictures: http://media.tumblr.com/0f14634ba580ec4bce67e991c80a7473/tumblr_inline_mhzidwQDSn1qz4rgp.jpg. and http://www.collecttolkien.com/images/Helmets/Helm%20ROTK%20War%20Mask%20WitchKing%20UC1457.jpg


I appreciate that the above mod is nearly spot on but I find that the lower jaw of the helmet extends down into any armor my character has equipped and thus slightly spoils this excellent mod for me. I also feel the point on top of the helmet is slightly too long and the face/upper jaw also a bit too narrow, somehow this makes the helmet look much less threatening.


I realise the above issues are small, but to me these small changes and an armor set to go with the helmet would be much appreciated.


Many thanks in advance for any time/effort put into this.


Edited by majek7
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