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[REQ] Reworked Power Armor Mechanics


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My request is for a mod that would improve all Power Armors. Giving them 75%, 85% and 95% DR (including helmet) depending PA type.

Meaning their ballistic DR would be high but balanced with lower energy DR making energy weapons good counter, tesla being the only exception.

It would be ideal that the best melee weapons to counter PA would be megafist, super sledge & ripper.

Scout PA should have the lowest then Tb51 then Enclave/ Tesla. Radiation resistance could be increase about to 30% for Brotherhood suits and 40% for Enclave suits & all PA would have different type of Night Vision.

All suits should give +2 Strength with no agility penalty, but give penalty to sneaking. Heaviest having the bigger one since, its supposed to show how cumbersome it is. Scout PA would have lowest, then advanced/tesla PA then tb51.

And last but not least, change so that tb51 would be standard PA for BOS and outcasts would stay same.


Thank you.

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Ah well Ill take what I can get, but its a pity its capped at 85%. Im playing with increased spawn mod and the outcasts and enclave got their butts handed to them by raiders with knives and SMGs. Was a bit letdown and thought with GECK out things might have changed, but guess not. Hmm is there way to make invulnerable to certain damage type? If so then adding 10mm and other to that list would fine as well.
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