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Resident Evil Fallout


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Heya! ^_^ Ive never made a map before or modded anything. I love resident evil though and I was just playing around in geck making a few rooms of the RE1 mansion to play in. 3 days later Ive been revamping the first drafts trying to actually rebuild the whole game Fallout 3 style. The lack of textures is really limiting the variation of the rooms though. I guess I'll have to rely on clutter and static objects to finish them out.

I just wanted other opinions and/or suggestions on improving what I have to far. :)










EDIT: Higher Res images

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Yea the lazer wall would be cool except that Im building the mansion from RE1 not the Movie. IM having a really hard time figuring some of this stuff out, like haveing zombies respawn or pop up behind you when you step on a trigger. mainly I want to equip them with clothes. Anybody know how you set your character with equipped gear without having to pick it up every time I load the level from the menu?
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