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No Grass and SKYUI at 3440*1440 resolution


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Gone through Skyrim STEP. and everything is almost working perfectly after a few tests.

Skyrim STEP https://wiki.step-project.com/SkyrimSE:0.3.0b


My mod and other info here ... https://modwat.ch/u/usulthemouse


Most of the menus are cut off top and bottom. I can play, but its guess work for things like how much gold do I have etc.

Scoured the net, for solutions, tried all I could find.


I am getting a few logs from papyrus and the net framework...

Papyrus log



NetScriptFramework Crash log



I have gone through as much as I can to add the patches, downloaded and install/merged them. A couple are not registering / recognized by LOOT.


EDIT: Redid the LOD steps and got the grass back.

Edited by usulthemouse
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