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weapon spread script


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i did this script for try to balance the weapon spread in another way. so i set the weapon min spread to 0 and attach this script to the weapon but the value not update if the the skill is upgraded... then for adjust the value its required to unload and load again the weapon ... if someone know a way to fix the need of unload and load the weapon to force update the skill



ScriptName spreadminigun


ref myref

ref penalty_35

ref penalty_strength

ref penalty_total



Begin OnEquip

set myRef to GetContainer




set penalty_35 to ((myref.getav bigguns)*(0.35))

set penalty_strength to ( myref.getav bigguns*(10- myref.getav strength )*(0.015))


set penalty_total to (penalty_35 + penalty_strength )


myref.DamageAV bigguns penalty_total






Begin OnUnEquip


myref.restoreAV bigguns penalty_total


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most likely will need to run a script in game mode




If I remember theres a way to limit how often the script will trigger

so its not running every frame



Maybe make a quest script that triggers every so often

so when you equip it starts the quest

and unequip it stops it



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