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Can not fly on a dragon


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Can not fly on a dragon!

When the dragon lands after screaming I press the power button is the animation as he sit down and all the dragon takes off without me! Dragon flies as if he's with me and I even he can orders give but I'll hang on to the ground and shook his side! I removed the mod to change the size of the NPC but it did not help!

Edited by esey
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Happened to me too, the solution:


Go to your Data folder, under Meshes, Actors, Dragon... delete the "skeleton.nif" file. If it's there, it means that some mode changed the skeleton dragon and the dragon flying fails.


I also heard that for some people it's the player's skeleton that can be the cause of problems.


Hope this helps.


(exact folder might not be exactly that, but look around, I think you understand where you should look)

Edited by Gudiomen
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