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Mixing Steam Workshop and Nexus


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So far I use the Steam Workshop for mods and am quite ok with that. But there are a few mods that are nexus exclusive that I'd really like to use. At the same time, I don't want to lose my mods that are steam exclusive, thus my question.

Can I mix them up and use both? If so, how do I go about it?


Thanks in advance!

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I've used both, as well. But I rely on Nexus for over 90% of the mods I download and install. I like the simplicity of the workshop, and while the subscription idea is nice, it can also be troublesome when changes are made to your load order and mods you might have forgotten about or neglected to unsubscribe from are suddenly updated, running the risk of conflicting with your existing content. I've gotten a number of CTDs or conflicts before simply because I forgot I was subscribed to something and it suddenly appeared in my load order, often in an inconvenient spot that disrupted mods that were required to load in a certain order. Though more time-consuming, updating mods manually through NMM and maintaining a proper load order is a better bet for stability in the long run.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi guys.. sorry to bring this up again.. I started using the NMM and steam workshop.. when I open nmm I immediately downloaded and installed some mods that steam does not have.

hovever when I installed it.. it does not show under plugins.. does that mean it will not be included along with the steam mods I have already??

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