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oblivion black screen from begining


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so whenever i start a new game on oblivion i get a black screen where the character should be. I can see the character options thingy and when i got frustrated and just created a character i could see the whole bottom thing going on like health and the compass and when i entered my journal i could see the map but again not the character. this is on the PC and i have a gateway x300. I ahve been to several other websites and tehy say a lot aobut about bloom lighting and the other one (sorry i don't know the name for it but its three letters) but i can't get the one i don't know to work. sorry aobut the details but i'm seriously not a huge techy and would greatly apreciate anyones help on this. :thanks:





above is a website i tried and it looks like this guys having the same porblem as me but i still can't figure it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't believe the x300 video card is supported by Oblivion. The specifications say an x800 or higher is required.


You might try Oldblivion, Sometimes you can get older cards to work with it. But the x300 is not in the list that have been tested.



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I had an x300 when I first got the game (since upgraded to run Bioshock :smile: ) and it ran OK, if a little sluggishly, at lower resolutions, so it might be a matter of trying out different settings and tweaks. The catalyst control centre could possibly be of use in this respect.


I tried Oldblivion to see if it would improve anything, but didn't like the look of the game with that and gave up on it.

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Good info roquefort


Here is a site with a LOT of info on tweaking Oblivion, as well as vid cards - including Catalyst - and Windows - both XP & Vista




By far the best tweaking site I have found. Do the system tweaks first, then the vid card tweaks and the Oblivion last. Lots of time to do all this, But it may be worth it.

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