Aeruja Posted March 10, 2013 Share Posted March 10, 2013 (edited) Posting not a problem, but a solution, as it was quite confusing for me to understand the cryptic language of ambiguous and terse Skyrim players. If you've typed those few keywords in your search for a solution, look no further.You've come to the right place, assuming moderators have not taken this post down, which should be stickied imho. My hunch is that the sound file, be it a wind tunnel, a ringing nirnroot, a blazing fire, or that of a heavy breathing sound, they all have something in common.That is, they only affect the player, you. So, nothing else in your surroundings, not your special mod weapon, not the weather, not other npcs, just your character.It's almost as if you have an invisible sound file following you around everywhere you go, one that won't end, until it has found the condition that it needs to end. Some users have reported it to have ended in 15 minutes, some say a dead Alduin saved them, but finding that condition is like a needle in a haystack. Internet users have reported that a "sex change" is needed. No one can explain the procedure or how it is able to "fix" it, but I think I can. TL;DRFor PC users only (not sure if there's a similar system in consoles like PS3 or XBox): 1. Unequip everything (Armor, weapon, rings, necklaces, everything).2. Bring up the console (press the ~ key), type in directly "showracemenu" as one word without the quotes.3. Actually do a gender change (female -> male; male->female).4. Save.5. Repeat steps 1~3 to return to your original gender.6. Re-equip and done. Reasoning: what this actually does is force all the effects associated with your character to end, because essentially, the game has deleted your sprite. This is why the sounds will continue even if you have died, although upon death, many effects may end, but since you don't respawn, but rather reload from an earlier save, the effect never goes away. Thank you and have a nice day :smile: EDIT (14 Mar, 2013): Found the source of the noise, and a workaround instead of always doing a temporary sex change with every reload, the mod can be found here. This bug is called the Elemental Fury Sound Bug. Edited March 15, 2013 by Aeruja Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
commndr Posted February 28, 2017 Share Posted February 28, 2017 Nope don't work, tried changing race as well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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