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Nexus Mod Manager Load Order


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I need to change my load order so that a certain plugin loads before another but when I try to move the plugin up the list, it stops at number 16 (the move arrow is greyed). I tried to move the other one down but it stops at number 15 so that there is an "invisible line" between number 15 and 16 in the load order. I assume that this is to separate the master files from the others but I can't get my plugin to load before the other. The few files that are over this "line" are seemingly random (except for FalloutNV.esm + DLC), most of them are simple mods with no dependence on anything... Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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  • 2 years later...

But how do you change the load order in NV ? NMM says one order and FNV says another and you cant move it in FNV

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