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Message to Whiterun (Imperial) bug


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Ok, so I combined some things that a few different people suggested and actually fixed it (for good). First of all, using the CWO mod I went into the options for it in Mod Configuration and force started the siege of Whiterun. Afterwards I used the console command "setstage CW03 210" (without the quotes, obviously). This therefore ended the unresponsive quest and started the Siege of Whiterun quest which would have started right after. After winning the Siege of Whiterun (on the Imperial side) I went to report to General Tullius and started the next quest which was to recapture the Pale for the Imperials. In the end, this solved the problem for me. The most important step of this is to use the console command to end the unresponsive quest right after jump starting the Siege of Whiterun quest. Hopefully this works for the rest of you, and if anyone has any questions shoot my a message and hopefully I can be of help.

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First of all, using the CWO mod I went into the options for it in Mod Configuration and force started the siege of Whiterun.

I have this bug, but I do not have or has ever had this CWO mod. But it seems logical that the siege not starting is the main reason my next quest is not starting either. Is there a way to use the console to start the siege of whiterun?


I can't find a command for it on the command list at the wiki page, but surely, there must be an activator somewhere?

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  • 4 months later...

I don't know if this will work with everyone else, but I uninstalled almost all my mods (except the few that didn't really do anything), then I unchecked Dawnguard from the 'data files' thing. When I got on it opened dialogue immediately and finished the quest, no issues or anything. I also had CWO installed, but I had already tried deleting all those files with no effect. Hope this helps y'all!

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  • 1 month later...

Just wanted to add my "solution" to this bug.

First the lay out: The quest "worked" but it kick-started "Battle for Whiterun" after I returned the axe to the jarl.
I noticed that the jarls answer and the activation of Legate Quentin Cipius (Battle for Whiterun) came as one long response, not involving Cipius at all so that is the place where I started.
After the start of "Battle of Whiterun", nothing worked as it should. NPC:s got stuck, the quest would not finish, sometimes I didn't make it down to Rikke before the drawbridge was down and so on.
I tried disabling mods, restarting, clean saves, reloading and setstage but nothing worked so when I now, finally got it to work, maybe this will help someone else. :smile:


This is what I did.

1. Disabled every mod that has anything to do with NPC AI, i.e. Vampires attack, Run for your life and others like them.

2. I went up to the jarl and Legate Quentin Cipius but didn't talk to them. I waited until the soldier was finished. SAVE HERE, BEFORE TALKING TO ANYONE OR RETURNING THE AXE!
3. I returned the axe to the jarl, took a few steps back and just waited for all NPC:s to do their thing and for the jarl to walk down the stairs. In my case the quest (Battle for Whiterun) starts together with returning the axe to the jarl.

4. It's now only me and Cipius at the table with the maps. I entered "setstage CW03 102" just to be sure that Cipius was cleared and finished.

5. Left Dragonsreach and just stood outside the doors just to give the NPC:s more time to do their thing.

6. Walked around in Whiterun, just to make sure no NPC was stuck (there was a couple of them) and either shouted or "disable & enable" them to get them back on track again.

7. Walked outside the gates of Whiterun and "helped" some stuck NPC:s outside the gate as well.
8. Walked and jumped down to Legate Rikke and listened to her. The battle starts.


Note: I've played the battle several times and found that it works best if I deliberately "looses" the barricades followed by the draw bridge, If I kill every enemy directly at the barricades, the game usually screws up.


9. Watch the enemy % and don't win to fast.

10, Finally, victory! BUT... don't go near the jarl when he speaks to the troops. Stay amongst the soldiers and if he doesn't start to speak, run around a little in front of the soldiers, it should kick-start the guy. :smile:
Wait for him to finish and talk to him AFTER he has left the ramp.


This took some tinkering due to the fact that the setstage-command (CWSiegeObj 9000) didn't seem to do s#*!...?

I hope this makes sense and helps someone. :smile:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

started having this issue again... think i may have figured it out, at least for me. as far as i can tell my character wasn't attached to the imperial civilwar faction correctly for some reason. so if anyone else is having issues you might give this a try: before entering whiterun's keep try opening the console and typing "Player.setfactionrank 2bf9a 4" (minus the "") should make you a fullblown member of the imperial side of the civil war faction... well, at least that's what fixed it for me. i think setting it to -4 will make you a full stormcloak if the other side of the quest ins't working (haven't tried it yet).



i guess i should also note you need to do this before the Jarl and Legate Cipius start bickering, if you do it after (especially after giving the axe back) it likely won't work, though you can never truly discount luck.

Edited by Invisible Man
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I have this bug in SE... none of the console commands and other methods mentioned in this thread work so the quest seems to be permanently broken for me, reloading a much earlier save does nothing and the main quest has been finished for a while.

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  • 1 year later...

For anyone still having problems, here's what worked for me:


After the Legate and the Jarl has stopped talking, I talk to the Jarl. Then, as usual, in the following talk with the legate, he just has standard greeting and doesn't complete Message-quest or start Battle-quest.


1: Complete Message-quest with console setstage cw03 255

2: Leave Dragonsreach

3: Console in Legate Rikke with prid 000198bb, followed by moveto player. If you talk to her, she should be ready for battle

4: Wait 1 hour (so she's in place and things have settled)

5: Leave Whiterun through main gates, run to start of barricade, where Rikke will give her speech, and the quest will run


Should mention I don't use any Civil War mods

Edited by donspure
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