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Message to Whiterun (Imperial) bug


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Sooo, I had this very same problem while all of the patches installed properly. I was too lazy to disable all the mods (except for the open cities since I thought it might be causing the issue, didn't help though). So I was trying everything and nothing worked... No command no anything. So out of anger and frustration and desperation I accidently found this very easy (not for everyone, I guess) solution:

Note: It is a very good idea to be a Thane of Whiterun already, which is very easy to be at this point.

Super mega extra easy solution that is worth it to try:

Step 1: Return the axe and freak out that the stupid Cipius has only generic dialog for you.

Step 2: Steal from Cipius to avenge yourself. He will approach you and tell you how bad you are for stealing.

Step 3: Use your almighty Thane influence and tell him off. Theeeen he will send you to the front lines and the quest will end and next one will start as it should.

Really hope it will work for others and not only me. I was really super happy and laughing my ass off when it happened.


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  • 4 weeks later...

f*#@ skyrim i used to love this game and the civil war questline but i tried every fix in this forum and anything i could find and i still couldn't fix it f*#@ that game i will never play it again play something that will actually be worth your time like hearts of iron 4 or even fallout 4 at least those games don't break your quests for literally no reason f*#@ skyrim forever

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