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Another teacher alledged having sex with minors


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  • 2 weeks later...

I can remember a few teachers, especially one gym teacher, all of whom were on the hot list for the male students. I didn't know anyone who would have minded if they had an 'affair' with her. In fact, that guy would have been the hero of the school. I can guarantee that as a 14-17 year old high-school student, if that gym teacher has asked, I wouldn't have said no. Teenage boys are looking for sex.


The biggest problem I see, is how sex is treated by the different sexes. If a guy is having sex a lot, he's a stud, a girl, a s!@£. I do remember one history class in college (senior level class), the professor stated that most of the girls in the class in ancient Roman times would have already been married, and that if you were not married, your time was running out to have get married. Shocked many in the class. I guess what I'm saying here is our perception of underage sex had changed, for better or worse, that is debatable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Marxist, I think you missed the point to the story. Perception changes over time. He was giving an example as to how looking back in history, with modern thinking, causes us to not see the truth. We become blind to history because of our 'modern' way of thinking. He used marriage and age because everyone in the room could relate to it very easily.

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um okay, but that isnt nearly as profound as you think it is

the romans were basically the middle school bullies of classical civilization, they did all sorts of horrifying crap

like they left unwanted children buried alive in rubbish heaps

its really disingenuous (and pretty creepy) to say "the romans did it, so blah blah blah, moral relativism, pedophilia is ok"

Edited by Marxist ßastard
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