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Seeking help with armor customisation


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Yo guys, so I would like to mix 2 armors, the first is from the TERA port:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9651?tab=images and the 2nd is an armor I found on internet, not on Nexus but basically it's a dress sleeveless.

As result I'd like to remove most of the body armor part to keep only the shoulders/sleeve (legs and arms) on it like the image, but I want to be able to also add my dress in the middle (since the part covered as been remove) but the problem is: they are both body part.

With TESedit I tried to move the armor from body slot to calves (since it's empty on my character) but it doesn't works.

So how could I do that ?

Thanks !

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Changing them to 32 body shouldn't be a problem. Multiple armor meshes can have the same body slot.


To combine meshes though, you'll need to use Outfit Studio, nifskope, or blender.

I don't want to combine the meshes, I just remove the one I don't want on the TERA armor, but I prefer keeping them as 2 separate armor part

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Okay, to remove pieces from an armor mesh you'd need to use Outfit studio, maybe Nifskope if the armor pieces are separated already, or 3d editing software like blender.


Tesedit treats the whole armor as one nif so changing the body slots won't do anything.

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Okay, to remove pieces from an armor mesh you'd need to use Outfit studio, maybe Nifskope if the armor pieces are separated already, or 3d editing software like blender.


Tesedit treats the whole armor as one nif so changing the body slots won't do anything.

Yup that's what I did with Outfit studio, so now I have the TERA armor looking like the image, but can't have both at the same time :/

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