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can no longer take all bones, animal parts, pots, fragments, etc.


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Ok, just go ahead and call me crazy, but when I was playing Skyrim, before Dawnguard, I had some mod, I guess, that let me take damned near everything that wasn't nailed down, bones, skulls, bloody body parts of all types, animal body parts, pots, urn fragments, candlesticks (short an small black ones) and all sorts of stuff that I NOW can't take. I have Dawnguard loaded and played, I have Hearthfire loaded....I did not build a Hearthfire house. I am now playing Dragonborn. I'm a COLLECTOR. I've got one of EVERYTHING in the GAME. and I mean it. Want to build my own museum to show off all the zillions of sets of arms and armor, flatware, plates, bowls, cutlery, forks, you name it. I've got. I've tried to get one of EVERYTHING in the game!....You wouldn't believe my amazong hoard. At some point, around the time of running Dawnguard, I think I suddenly LOST all my bloody bones. DEAR GODS! I had HUNDREDS. Wanted to show them off in my own pit in my yet to be built museum of EVERYTHING. But NOW, I've got "Pick Up Bones" loaded, and "Placeable Statics", the ONLY mods I could find, since its been a while since I played. I still have all my stuff, but lost all my TONS of statics that I had collected during the origninal Skyrim! I had ALL the POTS, ALL the candlesticks, All of everything I could find a mod to let me "take" stuff to keep! Ok, I'm crazy. But this is what I like to DO in these games...GODS. You should have seen my own underground cathedral museum for ALL of my MORROWIND stuff! It was glorious. Now I've lost MOST of my hundreds of bones, bloody bones, animal parts, that I kept from before....I had them ALL stored in Dovahkiin Hideout. Had them in Dawnguard....didn't really play Hearthfire, to build a house with it since I've got like 8 or more abodes, including the ones when you're top of thieves guild, assassin's guid, mages guid, need I go on? Anyway. MY GRIPE HERE is why did I loose all my bones, bloody bones, animal parts, pots, urn shards........ALLL THAT stuff I'd colleected. It's gone. And now I can't find even ONE mod that will let me pick up bones, bloody bones, elk horns, etc. Pick up Bones doesn't do it!.....And I have current version with Boss running too. And I desperately decided to try loading Placeable Statics......which I guess means you can move things around like a rag doll, but can't take it, and certainly can't "place" it where you what it........which leads up to my BIGGEST TEAR JERKER (if there are any other uber collectors out there, you will understand) is there is NO MOD THAT will let you pick up an item that is dropped and actually "PLACE IT EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT IT", not like picking it with a pair of tweezers moving it a few feet over a table, and "dropping it"! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Are there any other COLLECTORS out there suffereing these same misseries...DAMN I miss Morrowind......things stayed where you PUT them....built HUGE museum to show off everything!. I didn't even PLAY Oblivion after I realized that physics had been change to this rag doll %@(#*#$^&^$*%$(#& piece of SH#T physics.......no, dears, rag dolls don't bounce on the floor when drop them. I know. I AM a physicist! SO...............Should I just fall on my knife now or keep waiting or item taking, item-placing, mods that violate the very laws of the "physics" of this game???????


UtherOrange one angry Physicist COLLECTOR

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