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Project Valhalla looking for voice Actors!


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We are looking for volunteers to be voice actors.


You should be from one of the countries that make up the Valhalla nation:





We are also looking for 3 Americans, look below.


We will also accept other English speaking Northern Europeans to make up numbers if we fall short. Accented English is preferred to either the Queen's English, Commonwealth or American English.



Also we need at least:

*One (1) female voice actor for the role of the physician

*One for a female soldier and for any other female soldiers/sailors we script in.



We now have a limited number of slots open for American English speakers. We need:

*Two (2) male voice-actors

*One (1) female voice-actor for the [[Wyld Dogz]] raider gang.



Message to prospective voice actors




The mod is fast approaching a state where

character voices is the major work area. We have A LOT of text to be

voiced, and we wish to get "the best voice for the job" at an early



Here, I will try to give enough information for you to be

able to decide on one or a few characters that you would be interested

in voicing.


The current list of characters is as follows:

*Peter Wessel (Expedition commander)

*Leiv (Ground force commander)

*Johan Sandels (Ground force second in command)

*Matti Nykänen (Chief engineer)

*Antti Koivula (Junior NCO, in charge of the dock)

*Svante Arrhenius (Scenior scientist)

*Nils Dalén (Junior scientist)

*Karl Siegbahn (Junior scientist)

*Liisa Louhiala (Ship's surgeon)

*Andreas Larsen (Senior NCO, in charge of gate guards)

*Samo Häyhä (Sniper)

*Pauliina Frey (Guard)

*Niklas Touminen (Cook)

*Tommi Ekstedt (Mess steward)

*Matt Brown (Raider group leader)

*Mysterious man (Part of quest)

*Generic soldier

*Generic sailor

*Valhalla radio operator

*Naglfar (ship) radio operator


The above list is subject to change.


Below you will find the characters with links to their character page

(where applicable) and a few suggested lines.

If you are interested in voicing one of the characters, please record

the suggested dialog lines below and send it to us

as a .wav, .mp3 or .ogg file. Sound

quality is not very important at this stage, what you send to us will

be used on distributing character roles to voice actors. Please read

the linked character pages to get an idea of how the character could



If you have any questions, ask them on the Voice actor talkpage.



Text inside [] means how the character is expected to sound when

saying the line.


Peter Wessel

-Peter Wessel (Expedition commander)



Suggested dialog lines:

**Background: The player has risked his/her life to get certain proof

about the fate of one of the Valhalla scientists

(Wessel[Neutral]):While I almost wish we left that foolish man to his fate,

I am grateful that you risked your life and found him.


(Wessel[Official]):I hereby present you with the Valhalla medal "För

tapperhet i fält"

meaning "For Valor in the Field" for your courageous and unselfish acts

to further the cause of the Valhalla expedition. You have well earned it.


**"För tapperhet i fält" is in Swedish, feel free to skip that part if

it feels more comfortable (shortening it to "the Valhalla Medal 'For

Valor in the Field')



-Leiv (Ground force commander)



Suggested dialog lines:

(Leiv):First you need to prove that we can trust you.


(Player):A loyalty test just to do business with you? Why?


(Leiv):Another local like you came saying he and his people would help us.

He styled himself Captain Matt Brown of the company called the Wyld Dogz.


(Player):Let me guess, they betrayed your trust at the first sign of trouble.


(Leiv):We had been under attack and lost many men so his offer of help

was timely.

Against my better judgment I let them guard our outer perimeter.


(Player):So when the Muties attacked they cut and ran with their pay?


(Leiv[Angry]): Worse, they murdered two of my men and stole their

weapons.[Calms down]

They would've killed us all but Brown and his gang were caught between

the giants and our guns.


**Don't bother reading the player lines, just pretend they are said


Johan Sandels

-Johan Sandels (Ground force second in command)



Suggested dialog lines

(Sandels[suspicious]):Do you think you can trifle with us? Who are you really?



-a:I did not grow up in the wasteland. I have merely been exploring the region.

-b:Do you want a resume? I have skills enough to survive and prosper so far.

-c:I hold a doctorate in Wasteland Survival from the University of Hard Knocks.


(Sandels[Neutral]):So you are educated and not a barbarian?

Maybe you can help us after all

You must speak with Colonel Leiv.


(Player):And he is where?


(Sandels[Authorative/Threatening]):He is in the infirmary in our

barracks. I am warning you.

Do not pull out any weapons or you will be shot immediately.


Matti Nykänen

-Matti Nykänen (Chief engineer)



Suggested dialog lines (probably requires someone speaking Finnish)

(Nykanen):En suosittele Antabusta kenellekään.

Sen kanssa tulee ryypätessä ihan kammottava olo.


(Player):What did you say? I don't speak your lingo.


(Nykanen):Why not? You should. Everyone should speak Finnish. It

would make life easier.

I said that I don't recommend Antabus to anyone. Boozing with it makes

you feel just dreadful.


(Player):I imagine so. But I meant you should stop drinking booze at all.


(Nykanen[Amazed]):Preposterous! [Neutral] Say, you wouldn't be able

to get me some booze?


Antti Koivula

-Antti Koivula (Junior NCO, in charge of the dock)



Suggested dialog lines:

(Koivula[Wary]):Hello, you must be the local everyone is talking

about. I am Lt. Koivula.

I am in charge of naval stores. Can I ask you something?


(Player)Sure, what can I do for you?


(Koivula[Neutral]):You probably haven't been to sea but life aboard

ship is difficult.

Especially the food. Every day it is the same, hardtack and pickled herring.

Once a week we get some salt pork or some sort of mystery meat that

has been boiled gray.

It is no wonder that so many of the men turn to drink, some even drink


So I want to get some variety to our diet.

If you could get me some local foods, say 10 items, I would be very


I have a limited supply of extra stores to trade with. Will you do it?


Svante Arrhenius

-Svante Arrhenius (Scenior scientist)



Suggested dialog lines:

(Arrhenius[Neutral]):Ah, the Wastelander. What brings you to our lab?


(Player):What kind of research do you do here?[Jump:4]


(Arrhenius[Neutral]):We endeavor to cover a broad field of research.


(Arrhenius[Neutral]):Siegbahn is currently doing energy weapons research

and Dalen is working on automotives.


(Arrhenius[Neutral]):I myself am researching the field of power armors.


(Arrhenius[Neutral]):As a matter of fact there is something I want you

to do for me,

if you are interested.

Nils Dalén

-Nils Dalén (Junior scientist)



Suggested dialog lines:

(Dalen):Hello! I am Professor Dalen.

You must be the local that Professor Arrhenius has spoken so highly of.

I hope you can be as helpful to me as you have been to him.

Are you up to doing a bit of investigating for me?


(Player):You understand that my services are not free...


(Dalen[Neutral]):Yes, I am a member of the government Trade Committee.

Trade indicates a mutual exchange for profit.

So you will be compensated for your efforts should you prove successful.


(Dalen): My position on the Senate provided me with the means to come here.

What interests my colleagues is how fusion technology was applied to

everyday life in pre-war America.

It amazes me how many ordinary Americans had automobiles.

They were quite absent in the European Commonwealth after the Middle

East fuel crisis.

Yet they are evident everywhere about here.


Karl Siegbahn

-Karl Siegbahn (Junior scientist)



Suggested dialog lines:

(Siegbahn[Happy]):How delightful to see you again!

The energy weapons you brought for me have proven to be well worth

scientific inquiry!


(Siegbahn[Cautious]):Say... You wouldn't be interested in helping me

with something

a bit...more...personal? [Neutral]

Still well within the boundaries of science, of course!


(Player):Whoa, for a second Doc I though you wanted me to set you up

with a hooker.

I'm glad it isn't anything that personal. For science, huh?


(Siegbahn[Cautious, Silently]):I happen to believe that there are

alien lifeforms

here on Earth. I need to get my hands on some proof their existence.


Liisa Louhiala

-Liisa Louhiala (Ship's surgeon)



Suggested dialog lines:

(Louhiala[Neutral]):I spend most of my free time keeping all the men

at bay. Being one of the few women on this expedition can be quite



(Louhiala[Neutral]):At least I don't have much of a problem with the

Boy's club...


(Player):What do you mean by "the Boy's club"?


(Louhiala[Neutral]):Ah, that's just my nickname for the group of

scientists we have on this expedition.


(Louhiala[Disapproving]):You might have noticed that they're like

little boys with little toys.


(Louhiala[Neutral]):Seems like a complete waste of time to me. I

haven't seen any result of their work since we got here.


Andreas Larsen

-Andreas Larsen (Senior NCO, in charge of gate guards)



Suggested dialog lines:

(Larsen):Halt! State your business here or be shot!


(Player): I am here in response to your radio message.


(Larsen): Ah, come forward to the gate then.


(Player[approaches Larsen]):


(Larsen):Stop, that is close enough.


(Player):Can I come in?


(Larsen):We have been under constant attack since we have arrived.

So we take few chances on visitors. Who are you?


Samo Häyhä

-Samo Häyhä (Sniper)



Suggested Dialog lines: 1:(Hayha[Angry, in thickly accented English]):What do you want?


2:(Player):Col. Leiv has hired me to rescue Private Frey. He said to see you for what happened.


3:(Hayha[Angry, in thickly accented English]):I will tell you what happened. This piece of [censored] and his friends butt-stroked her in the head.


4:(Player):Is that all? She went down with one hit?


5:(Hayha):Not one hit, many. They did worse to two more of our men. But she is a woman and they want to have fun with her.


6:(Player):So there is a chance that she is alive. What happened next?


7:(Hayha):I see them fleeing but only am able to shoot two of the bastards. I only wounded one arsehole so I can find out where they take her.


8:(Player):So you have a prisoner? Has he talked yet?


9:(Hayha):He says he cannot understand my English. You make him talk!


Pauliina Frey

-Pauliina Frey (Guard)



Suggested dialog lines:

**Raider near Frey's position is shot by a snipers

(Frey):That is Sergeant Hayha's handiwork.


(Player):I am glad he is on our side.


(Frey):Me too. Let me get my gear.


(Player):Go on ahead. I will see you later.


(Frey):Sure, I feel much safer now that they are dead and I have my weapon back.


Niklas Touminen

-Niklas Touminen (Cook)



Suggested dialog lines:

(Touminen):Welcome to my galley, Vinlander. Do you want some lutefisk

and hardtack?


(Player):No, I want food that when I eat it, it stays down.


(Touminen):I know how you feel.

Here I am a master chef and I am stuck serving the same crap every day.

What I wouldn't give for some new recipes.

Tell me what kinds of foods the locals prepare?


(Player):Well, there is Radroach stew. It tastes like old shoe

leather but is nourishing.


5:(Touminen):That sounds nasty.

People eat radioactive bugs? No, forget that.


Tommi Ekstedt

-Tommi Ekstedt (Mess steward)



Suggested dialog lines:

(Ekstedt):As steward I am over the liquor ration and I serve the food

from the galley.

Since you are not part of our expedition I would have to charge you

for food or drink.


(Ekstedt):Can I get you something?


(Player):Can you help me with directions?


(Ekstedt):Yes Sir. What are you looking for?


(Player):I need to get my items repaired.


(Ekstedt):Ah, you want to see our Chief Engineer then, also on the dock.

Be careful, he drank all his liquor ration and is in a foul mood.


Matt Bronw

-Matt Brown (Raider group leader)



Suggested dialog lines:

(Brown):Hold it right there soldier boy! One step closer and the [censored] dies.


(Player):I'm here to broker a deal. You interested in trading one of

yours for her?


(Brown):A deal, huh? I get my man back and you get the [censored]. But

there are terms.


(Player):Terms? Like what?


(Brown):First, I keep her guns and armor.


(Player):I think the colonel will be happy enough to get her back safe.


(Brown):We do it on neutral ground, not in range of the soldiers or

their ship's guns.


(Player):Agreed. How about on the grounds in front of Rivet City?


(Brown):Agreed. Any sign of a double-cross and both of you are dead,

got it freelancer?


Mysterious man

-Mysterious man (Part of quest)

(no character page yet. For character references, think The Smoker

a.k.a. Cancer man from The X-Files)


Suggested dialog lines:

(Mysterious Man[Calmly]):I understand you are looking for Karl Siegbahn.


(Mysterious Man[Calmly]):I regret to inform you that he has moved on

and will no longer be a part of his old life.


(Mysterious Man[Calmly]):It would be best if you went back the way you came

and informed his other friends of this fact.


(Player):I see. Thank you for that information!


(Mysterious Man[Calmly]):I get the feeling that you do not fully trust me.

I will give you this recording made by Karl Siegbahn himself.


Generic soldier

-Generic soldier


Generic sailor

-Generic sailor



Radio operators

-Valhalla radio operator & Naglfar (ship) radio operator



Suggested dialog lines:

({Radio operator}[Neutral]): Naglfar, Naglfar, this is Åke-one-five

calling, over.


({Radio operator}[Neutral]): Naglfar, Naglfar, this is Åke-one-five

calling, come in, over.


({Naglfar radio operator}[Neutral]): Åke-one-five, this is Naglfar, over.


({Radio operator}[Neutral]):Naglfar, here is the status update for

twenty-two-hundred Zulu.


({Radio operator}[Neutral]):Colonel Liev is still in the infirmary,

other then that everyone is healthy.


({Radio operator}[Neutral]):There has been little enemy activity since

the last report.


({Radio operator}[Neutral]):Supplies are running low. End status update, over.


({Naglfar radio operator}[Neutral]):Status update received. No updates

from this end. Over and out.




Thank you for your time!


Erki, Voice Acting Task Manager, Project Valhalla


Contact Erki if you have any questions

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This sounds like a fun project. But I'm wondering, if you'd mind if I sent you a demo of the voice work I can do and if you like it cast me as a role? Rather trying for a specific role myself.
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This sounds like a fun project. But I'm wondering, if you'd mind if I sent you a demo of the voice work I can do and if you like it cast me as a role? Rather trying for a specific role myself.


Should be OK as well, but remember to include your details in the email as well. Although we would appreciate if you would read through them and choose one (or multiple) roles that fit you and then record some samples for it, since that helps us alot.

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