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SKSE 1.9 beta "Please update to the latest version of Skyrim"


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Hello All,


First time post.


I've just recently updated SKSE to the latest version, as well as Skyrim on Steam.

When I go to load SKSE through Nexus, the SKSE loader prompts me with the following message,

"Please update to the latest version of Skyrim". I'm not sure why I am receiving this because as far as I know everything is up to date.


Any ideas?


Sorry If this has already been answered; I didn't see a thread for this.



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Latest version of Skyrim refers to to the V-1.9 beta patch...that is if you are using SKSE You only will get the Beta version if you subscribe to Beta patches on Steam.

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There seems to be some trouble in Skyrim nowadays. I've been playing fine after new batch of mods for a week or something and suddenly my Skyrim started crashing after loading menus.


I tried disabling latest mods which didn't help.


I updated SKSE to beta version which of course didn't work on my 1.8 Skyrim.


Thus I opeed for beta and then my Elys_Uncapper cried its broken and I should change 0 to 1 in bAutoUpdate=1 in the ini file.


Afterwards my ScriptDragon cried that it doesn't support my version of Skyrim.



It's driving me mad. I gave up and didn't even bother with removing ScriptDragon. I'll wait for full 1.9 and mods updates :(

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