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Bugs with weapon mods.


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Hi guys,


Just noticed a couple of issues with modding weapons (as in standard vanilla weapon mods, *not* NEXUS mods) and was wondering if anyone knew of any fixes or other issues I should watch out for:




Firstly there seems to be a general issue with most weapons where if you add extended mags and use a hotkey for armor/head wear, using the hotkey to swap say a helmet/beret will result in holstering and re-equipping the weapon. Ok, so not the end of the world, but it is annoying. Other mods may also trigger this but with the Assault Carbine (GRA) the light bolt seemed to work fine.


In addition to that I noticed that with the extended mags fitted the AC (GRA) would occasionally become invisible when using iron sights. This *is* annoying. I didn't test much further after seeing this as reverted to a previous save before modding the weapon at all. Maybe it was just co-incidence, but it's not happened to me once on the un-modded weapon.




So... I assume everyone's having these issues? Any fixes, any other things I should watch out for? I don't want to be modding a weapon, playing for a few hours only to discover it's bugged then have to re-load or sell it and re-buy the unmodded weapon at a hefty loss of caps.


Also I'd really like to add the ext. mags and light bolt mods for the AC (GRA), how often does the invisible IS bug tend to pop up, was I just unlucky?


Thanks a lot for the help.





(also, I'm aware of the 'Weapon Mod Menu' on NEXUS which would allow me to add and remove mods, but I didn't really want to install it as some people on the comments suggested it's a bit buggy and NV is buggy enough as is... If anyone's been using it without any issues *for a long time* please let me know!)


(finally, is the ext. mag. for the LMG safe to use, other than the armour hot key bug?)

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