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Fox News


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Sorry, but I couldn't resist the temptation after my last post in the Fahrenheit 9-11 film to start a discussion about Fox News. It's probably because right now I"m watching "Hannity and Colmes" and it's litterally making me sick to see this show.


Ok, what do you think about this channel? I personally am sickened by the fact that people actually watch this channel and believe some of the things that their hosts say. It's, well... it's sick.

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Fox News are disgustingly bias - it's actually amusing that I've heard conservatives claim it's leaning towards being liberal... Fox News? No way.


Fox News is the crap that gathers at the bottom of the sewage that is the media world - they've been bias and taken sides in every matter of importance that's risen up for a long time now and it's been blatantly obvious to anyone who spends more than five minutes watching that channel at once.


Then again - CNN isn't perfect either, though a whole lot better... I trust BBC most of the "English speaking" news programs out there (that I can reach) today.


I do however still watch Fox once in a while... they say it's good to see all sides of things, and I do try to - though I find it hard to understand the conservative ones I still try... Really... :P


So long as you realize it's propaganda, it doesn't matter. Too bad a lot of people don't.

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I'm visiting my extended family in Georgia (Southern US) and they take Fox News frighteningly serious. I'm just dumb-founded, they're smart people...I don't understand. The only reason I watch Fox is for a good laugh. Every time I turn on that channel I tend to end up on the floor, wailing with laughter ;).


Btw....nice sig Alb ;).

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You mean Faux News? The anything but news network?

They are run by Rupert Murdoch (arch-conservative). Sean Hannity Has the worst case of verbal diarrhea I have ever seen, followed closely by Bill O'Reilley, and Ann Coulter (frequent guest) is the closest thing to a Nazi I have encountered recently.

I avoid Faux News at all costs.


Did anyone see the Simpsons episode making fun of Faux News? The ticker at the bottom had some really funny things oin it."democrats found to cause cancer...etc."

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I actually thought that the simpsons episode where Krusty ran as a republican for congress was even better.


Scene: Fox news debate with Krusty and his Democratic Rival.


Fox Newscaster: Welcome to fox news, your voice for evil. Tonight we'll be interviewing both candidates for springfield's congressional election. For the republicans, Beloved childrens entertainer Krusty the clown *Cut to krusty with halo over his head* and for the democrats... This guy.


*cuts to democratic candidate with horns drawn on him and a soviet flag behind him*

Democratic Candidate: I have a name!!!


Fox: I'm sure you do Commrad, I do appreciate your being here. You are usually so mired in sleeze, it must be an effort to come down to the studio.


*Cut to Krusty with a halo over his head*

Krusty: Can I say something?


Fox: Certainly congressman.


*cut to democrat whose picture is upside down*

Democrat: HE HASN'T WON YET!!!


Fox: You make a very adulterous point. We will now conclude this debate with a Krusty campaign commercial.




To me that about sums up Fox News to me. LOL, it's funny but it's sad becasue that's really not much of a stretch for what Fox really does.

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