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About damage calculations and an imod script for ingestibles


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I'm working on a realism-type mod, nothing too fancy, but it's up at http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2608, and I'm having hard time getting the combat right.

What I've done is increased all firearm damage to make firefights a lot shorter and deadlier for everyone. Now the player does get shot to death by the first raider he encounters in only 2-5 hits, and that's exactly what I want. What I'm puzzled about is that the raiders don't go down nowhere near that easy. You have to shoot them maybe a dozen times or more without critical hits. On the other hand, in VATS player seems to do a lot more damage, getting those 2-5 shot kills.

Why is that? Is there something else to the damage system that is not covered in:





I haven't touched the armor values at all, but I did give the raiders better stats and maybe 100 more hit points. But that should be around the same what the player has, ~200.

I've set for example the combat shotgun to do 80 damage with 250 for critical hits, and the player has to shoot raider he encounters at level 5 more than six times, unless he enters VATS.

Is this because of some level and skill penalty to the damage, if so, is there a way to remove it? I'd like weapons to deal the same damage regardless of their condition.


It says in the GECK manual about armor "AR: The Damage Resist (DR) value. It's the % of damage resisted. " Does that mean if it goes above 100 the armor should make you invulnerable to noncritical hits?

I set the power armor's AR to 140, and it just made it really hard to get through, but even without criticals they do take damage.

And what effect does the Resist value have in the weapon stats? It says in the GECK manual it has something to do with setting the damage type, but how does this actually work? I haven't noticed any difference no matter if I set it to NONE or DamageResist.


What I would like to have is everyone very vulnerable without the power armor, and combat armor somewhere there in between. Is it possible to differentiate the damage resisted according to where the bullet hits?


Also, I've been trying to make some sort of negative effect to using stimpaks. I have them cause addiction, but unfortunately that doesn't have any real effect to the gameplay.

I've added a concussion effect to the list at the object menu, and set it to 10 seconds. I had hoped that it would make the screen have the concussion effect for ten seconds to make them less feasible

to be used during combat. But what happens, is that ten seconds after using a stimpak, there's a half second effect and the status text:"stimpak has worn off".

I tried to make an imod script that would play when a stimpak is used, but I can't get it to work. Here's how it looks:

ScriptName TeronStimpak

Begin ScriptEffectStart
imod kulliISFX

Begin ScriptEffectFinish
rimod kulliISFX

The imod does play, once, if I try to set it to OnEquip for a weapon for example, but it doesn't play when a stimpak is used.



Has anyone tried to make some real recoil to the weapons? Not the random swaying and firing cone that there is now, but some real kicking and moving the crosshair upwards. Somewhere it was mentioned that this could be done by tinkering with the animations. I tried extracting the animation for the assault rifle, but I only found one where the magazine is inserted, and that's no good really.



Any ideas are appreciated, thanks.

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I finally figured how to get an imod to play when using a stimpak, so I'll just post the steps here hoping it will help someone.


First we'll make a new Imagespace Modifier. Open up some of the old ones and right click on the list pane in the left. Now give your imod a name you can remember. Give the effect some double vision or radial blur, go nuts.

Then we need a script to play the imod. Open up the script editor and make a script like this:

ScriptName StimpakScriptEffect

Begin ScriptEffectStart
imod MyISFX

Begin ScriptEffectFinish
rimod MyISFX

Then we have to make a new base effect in Game Effects - Base Effect. Give the new effect a name like StimpakBaseEffect, set the Effect Archetype as Script and pick the script you just made from the list at Assoc. Item.

Check the boxes Detrimental, Recover, FX Persist, Self, Touch and Target.


Now, go to Game Effects - Ingestibles - Clutter - Health - Stimpak

In the results pane, right click and make a new result, choose the StimpakBaseEffect as the effect. Give it some duration and set range to self. I do not know what magnitude does, but I set it to 50.



Do correct me if there's something wrong or stupid in these instructions. At least it works.

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