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[Request] Lore friendly custom vanity feature


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I hate having to wear armor that has great stats but looks horrible. I would really like to have a mod where I can equip one set of equipment but my apperance is of another set - akin to a vanity tab.


I was thinking of three possible ways to do this:


1) An alteration spell where you take 2 items and merge them, destroying 1 set in the process. So you can take an Ebony Helm and make it look like a Ruby Circlet. All the rules for tempering, enchantment restrictions, etc would remain unchanged - it just "looks" like the circlet but still functions like the helm.


2) Enchanted "left hand" rings. You place one ring on a mannequin along with all the items that you want to appear to wear. Cast an illusion spell on the mannequin and then whenever you wear the matching ring, your outward appearance will change to match the mannequin but you are still getting the stats from what your actually wearing.


3) The classic vanity tab that you see in some MMOs. This would require 2 "paper dolls" where the first is what you want to derive the stats from and the second is what you want graphically displayed.


I'm not sure if a vanity feature can even be done with the tools available to Skyrim modding, hence asking about it here.



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Thanks for the prompt reply.


I did visit the mod you mentioned and checked it out. I saw how the ring does indeed change the apperance but is limited to one static outfit. But it does show me that in theory it can be done so I'm hopefull.


I'll poke around and see just how hard modding is in general and what tools are needed [my computer is a bit dated and I may not have the processor to even run them].

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