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Creation Kit - Forcing an NPC to Initiate Conversation with Player


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After scouring the internet for a few hours and finding not a single hint as to how this is done, nor being able to determine it from looking at the vanilla Skyrim game in the CK, I thought I'd post my question here, as someone MUST know how to do this:

I want to know how to force an NPC to initiate dialog with the player, and I mean the kind of dialog that forces you to stop moving, like when a guard arrests you. I cannot find out what triggers this - is it part of AI packages, or just something simple that I'm overlooking the the quest dialog's options? I attempted to use a "blocking" topic branch, but that didn't seem to work...</p>

I'm hoping someone can answer this question, as I sure as heck can't! Thanks in advance for any assistance rendered!</p>

EDIT: While I'm already asking CK questions, I thought I'd ask another: Can I make the game's time skip ahead several hours using scripts? Basically I want to do the equivalent of waiting for 12 hours, but attached to a script. I cannot find any references on how to do this.


EDIT2: Is there a way to use papyrus scripts to force the player to leave a piece of furniture? I'm using the hammer and chisel furniture animation from the Dragonborn DLC, but I can't figure out a way to stop the animation from continuously looping without using player input, i.e. trying to move.

Edited by UlithiumDragon
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