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"So this was inspired by the Staff and Eye Of Magnus. The name of the Atronach perhaps could use some work, but the idea I believe could be pretty cool. The staff drains magicka before it even touches health, and instead of submitting the idea of a Staff upgrade I figured, an Atronach that simultaniously drains health and magicka would be more interesting and a Magna Thrall would be just as cool. I'm hoping this gets around because I currently have no clue how to make a mod myself... I'd be happy to draw up a full concept of this if someone is willing to collaborate this idea with me. I mean There's probably somone out there like:

"Why do I need an Atronach that drains magicka and health just as slow as the staff?"

Well, I'd like to see a health and magicka drain do more. It sounds like a wicked concept but only if it had more kick to it. I'd love to hear some feedback, even how this could be better without straying to far from the original idea. Might be cool to have the Atronach designed to slay undead or oppositely reanimate the dead like Serana. Where ever this idea goes would be great to hear some thoughts on this subject.




A while back I was having a conversation about some ideas pertaining to this concept on Steam. Keypoints were:


--This should only be acquired after the faction quest.

--First summoning could come of reshaping a Magic Anomaly like how you shape a Deadra with Bound Weapons (which would make for a lore friendly approach)

--You would possibly sacrifice the Staff plus Fire Salts and a Ruined Book to make a Tome/Spelln for Thrall Version

--Recycled Flame Atronach Animations.


I would enjoy collaborating artistically if at all anyone would be interested.


....Last minute Idea, perhaps an enchantment for the Staff of Magnus to summon this?

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